hold onto a tree造句

"hold onto a tree"是什么意思   


  1. Just before impact, Tom holds onto a tree branch to make the bull crash against the trunk, briefly knocking it out.
  2. "The unwary ones are easier still, " observes the spirit, as a boy is seen fishing in a duckpond, leaning out over the water as he holds onto a tree branch . " This branch is weak, rotten; it'll never take his weight . " The branch gives way and the boy tumbles into the pond as the spirit appears among the reeds.
  3. In 1996 he eluded a head-on collision with a United Nations truck on a mountain curve by swerving into a guardrail, which gave way under the force of his car; he was ejected from the car when the door flew open, ( he wasn't wearing a seatbelt ) managed to hold onto a tree, and watched his car plummet down into a gorge.
  4. It's difficult to find hold onto a tree in a sentence. 用hold onto a tree造句挺难的


  1. "hold one"造句
  2. "hold one to"造句
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  5. "hold onto"造句
  6. "hold onto me"造句
  7. "hold onto our love"造句
  8. "hold onto something"造句
  9. "hold onto your hat"造句
  10. "hold open"造句

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